Kai MacDonald

Profile ID: #449
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I’m an alpha female, a true Goddess, and Queen. A true FinDomme. So do whatever it may take to keep a smile on my pretty face. Serious pigs only, my time is too precious to be wasted.

Only bother if you think you can handle me. So if you aren’t 100% ready, don’t even bother. There will be plenty of other wallets for me to empty. You know what to do. Impress me.
Country: United Kingdom City: London State: London
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London · United Kingdom
Website: https://twitter.com/yourgoddess68
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Impress me
As I am sure you can tell I am new to this site but I am by no means new to this little game. I may be young but don't be fooled, darling, I am a no-nonsense domme. I was trained very well by a close girlfriend of mine so I know how to break you beautifully. This website seems small and relatively useless, so get to the tributes and show much just how worthwhile this place is. I may even have a little treat for the person that tributes first and the person that tributes the most. Get to work, little pigs.
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